Dancing Fact
The main question arise is that, How to maintain a positive attitude all the time?..
You will get your answer below..so must read..
It will really help you to be a confident dancer..:)
Que.How to be a good Dancer??
Que.How to get attitude in your dancing?

1. When you feel positive, you hold yourself up and avoid
slouching. Since you need to be pulled up in dance classes,
this can come in handy. "If you are feeling down or tired,
try to focus on your moves and think good thoughts"..

Many times, when I'm sore and cranky, I think how lucky I am
to be able to go to a dance class. After all, think about all
the people out there who wish they could attend a dance class,
or even move their arms and legs. So when you don't feel like
Dancing, keep this in mind. And be thankful that you have the
opportunity to dance..!!
2.Recently, I took a class, and we were divided into groups
to do the routine since the room was packed. Well, after the
first group went, I clapped and showed my support. Many
other dancers clapped as well, but there were others who
didn't feel the need to show any kind of reaction.
What's going on? Remember. This is dance. It's supposed to
be fun! And don't you want other people to support you when
you are dancing? "Now, I know it's not appropriate to clap for others in many
classes. But in most classes here in L.A., that's what you
do. Dancers work hard, and we can use all the supports we can
3.When you have a positive attitude, this will come across in
your dancing. You'll be more likely to hold your body up in
the right position and dance with more confidence. This will
give you more energy and allow you to perform better in class.
But if you concentrate on your aches and pains, your terrible
day at school, your broken heart or non-existent love life, etc.
you'll waste time and won't get anything out of class.
Now I know it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude all
the time. The dance world is difficult, and you may be surrounded by negative, competitive people. But it's up to you to control your thoughts, and put aside your problems until after class.
And by taking class and concentrating on your training, you'll
actually forget your problems for a while. And when class is over, your day won't seem so bad after all. Remember, you're dancing for reason.<3..!!